Monday 29 February 2016

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

1. Which production company would finance your film in the real world?

If our film were to be produced by a professional production company, realistically I would choose Warp Films, who are an independent film and television production company located in Sheffield & London. They’ve created a few low budget films, for example ‘dead man’s shoes’, and this type of low budget film is how I would represent our film, due to the fact we’re not using any sets to create an illusion we’re outside in a forest or using well known actor/actresses, even directors. In my opinion, I think by combining Warp Films with Haxan films, who are an independent production company located in Orlando, Florida, recognised for producing only horror films such as ‘the Blair witch project’, it would be beneficial in terms of expenses because of inexpensive producing, similarly, we would have an experienced company, mainly focusing on horror. 

2. How much would your film cost to make?

Costs for shooting and producing the film will include, equipment, editing equipment, costumes, hair and makeup, actor/actresses and cameras, so overall I can imagine the cost of our film would be over £100,000, however having researched into how much the low budget film ,‘a dead man’s shoes’ was,  the overall budget was (£723,000), which makes me reconsider the expense of our film, and considering the fact that the majority of the actors are novice actor/actresses and that they don’t use any kind of set and film everything outside or in some sort of building, it still coast a fair amount of money to create a low budget film. Even though hiring actor/actresses that are perhaps inexperienced in comparison to a more qualified person to act, we would assuredly be using novice actor/actresses so that wages wouldn’t be dear.

3. Who would distribute (market) your film?

We want our main film to be low budget and because we also want it to be a British, we thought by researching into what sort of Distribution Company ‘dead man’s shoes’ used it could influence and help us to understand what sort of Distributor would be used on a low budget film.  Studio Canal distributed ‘dead man’s shoes’, who work in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Studio Canal, have distributed American films around the UK, and this can be beneficial for our production companies as we would be able to team our British companies with them. However, Studio Canal UK have distributed some very well-known and successful films, such as ‘the imitation game’, so they haven't distributed all low budget films.  

4. How would your film be marketed? Any unusual ways to market your film?

Ways in which we would market and promote our film would be to create posters which linked with the theme and the events of our film. One idea was to create fake missing posters of the actresses since the film is about the characters going missing. This idea was inspired by the 'Blair Witch Project' because this I something that they did.
 An alternative way to promote the film, was to create trailers that didn’t explain the film but was able to create enough attention on the film. This could also include the faces of famous actors and actresses so people are more interested in seeing it. An example of this with a real film is 'The worlds end'. One way they promoted their film was by making quite unexplained posters with the names of the actors on, and due to how the actors are quite famous this is what made people want to come and see the film, and also due to their curiosity.

5. Where would your film be shown- multiplex/arthouse?
We decided that our main film was more of a multiplex film rather than an art house film due to how our film doesn't specialise in films that are artistic or experimental rather than simply entertaining. We think that our film would be shown in the UK first rather than the US because our distributor, which is studio canal UK, doesn't issue films out of the United Kingdom. In addition, because our film is British, ideally, we would want it to be released in the UK and then go onto be distributed in Europe and the US.
Because one of our production companies are 'Haxan films', and this is an American production company, we thought that our film could be distributed in the US as well as the UK.  

6. Who would star in it?

In order for a film to be successful, you'd want there to be a few famous faces however due to expenses it would be beneficial to incorporate some novice actors. If we hired actors/actresses that aren't that experienced then we wouldn't have to pay them as much, in comparison to an actor/actress that has had a longer experience in the world of acting.

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