Tuesday 9 February 2016

Audience Research

So that we were able to gain an insight into what other people like to see in horror films, we created a questionnaire asking, what scares you the most, what makes a horror film appealing, what are your favourite characteristics of a horror film etc. and this can help us to make the film better and scarier.
Reading through the answers was really interesting because when I compared answers with other peoples opinions they were very similar e.g. out of 4 people, 3 said that jump scares were the best things about horror films (question 2), which, in my opinion, is true because this is what makes me more interested in watching a horror film.

Has this questionnaire helped?
Overall, this questionnaire has been extremely helpful because the opinions of different people have helped us to learn how to incorporate specific types of characteristics of a horror film into our main film, and it gives us an idea of how to begin and shoot the very first sequence in the opening film, perhaps using certain music and different locations that could be symbolic and represent something spooky and scary.

What will you consider putting in your main film, due to the questionnaire?
We're definitely going to be including jump scares in our film, because I think this will create more tension and it will make people want to continue watching it. I think using some sort of suspense in the main film would be quite a good idea, especially at the end, so that we could end with some sort of cliff hanger. On the other hand, instead of a cliff hanger we could incorporate some sort of plot twist, which could be quite predictable.

Because our audience research questions didn't give enough information to produce graphs and pie charts we created another one with set answers for our audience.

From these questions we were able to gain feedback that was precise and helped us understand what things people like to see in horror films.

From this we were able to see what people were scared at the most, and out of 9, 5 said that being pursued was the scariest thing. This is something we'll take into consideration when filming for our main film baring in mind we want to scare people, but so they want to watch more.

This was an interesting outcome, since the majority of people think jump scares are what makes horror film, this is one key aspect to a horror film though and without them you probably wouldn't get that adrenaline scare feeling. It was interesting to see that only a small percentage of people chose sound/music and camera angles, because I also think they're vital to a horror. Sometimes camera angles can create illusions and twists in the film and a lot of people like this type of thing (question 4). The sound and music is also a very important aspect in horrors, because if you imagine key and scary scenes in horrors without music or sound effects then you wouldn't be as scared. Usually when there's something about to happen music which creates a tense atmosphere is played, which gets the audience ready for a scare. Nobody chose effects, which I think can play quite a big role in a horror film depending on what it is. If you've got a zombie horror, then you'd need costumes and make-up to make it seem realistic and if you didn't and had people just dressing up in ripped clothes, then it wouldn't be as effective.

The majority of people for this question said that psychological thrillers entertain them. If I had to answer then I'd agree because when you watch this type of film you begin to connect with the characters and understand their fear and upset, and the fact that you connect with them means you experience the fear as well. Only one person said Sci fi and to be honest this would be quite a good horror, something like the film 'alien' which has an antagonist which scares you and jumps out at you.

All nine people we asked agreed that a twist in a horror film is what they'd like to see. If we were to carry on with our main film and if it was longer then we could incorporate some sort of twist, but because it's only the first two minutes of a horror film I don't think that the audience would want there to be a twist at the end, due to how you get to know the characters and begin to like or dislike them, and typically in a horror film or any film with a twist, the character you like turns out to be the antagonist, and I think this is why people like twists because of the shock and the mystery.

Mark 1-5 what is your favourite film genre
This question gave varied answers which was interesting because it has enabled us to see what film genres people like and whether our chosen genre would enjoyed as much if our film was being watched by someone who said that comedy what their favourite. You can see on the graph that nobody put horror down as their number one favourite genre, but this hasn't worried and we know when we've finished our film that there will be people we will ask, who like horror, to watch our film.

The final question we asked was, where would you most like to see a horror film set, and only one person said forest/wood, which is a place that I would expect people to want a horror film to take place, due to the fact the woods can be quite intimidating and scary place if you set it at night. Nobody said they wanted a horror film to take place in space and you'd think that because it's an isolated and unescapable place, people would like to watch a horror film take place here because there would probably be quite a few jump scares, especially if you used an antagonist similar to the one in 'alien' because it's hardly ever seen. Four people said that they liked a normal neighbourhood and four people said they like a haunted house. These two locations are quite different in a way that the haunted house is quite a traditional typical horror film location in comparison to a normal neighbourhood which typically wouldn't have any problems at the beginning but as the film continues jump scares are introduced and stuff that wouldn't usually happen takes place.   

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