Thursday 10 March 2016

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Because our main film was inspired to film using the hand held camera method, in order to make it look similar to a mockumentary, we didn't film a lot using tripods. However the beginning of the opening did include a fair amount of steady filming, to represent nature and to symbolise it's calm and steady influence, this creates quite an ironic atmosphere, since the very beginning can be seen as being symbolic of positive and calming nature, in comparison to the end which represented nature as being quite dangerous as someone goes missing.

In other shots the use of the tripod was beneficial towards us as it allowed us to display how well we could handle a camera on a tripod, and also to illustrate how we could use the specific panning movement using the handle on the tripod, which I personally found quite difficult to accomplish as it was difficult to keep the camera looking steady. Although, we didn't use any of the footage where we panned, because we found it wasn't relevant when adding in into our film. In addition, I think it was a good idea to use some shots on the tripod, because I personally feel that if you constantly use the hand held camera effect, it can get quite confusing and difficult to understand which character is filming.

This is the cam corder we used for our continuity and our main film. It was quite a good camcorder in terms of graphics and the sound. They were also very easy to carry round and didn't cause us any trouble with filming.
For our continuity task we only used two cameras and there was no trouble with using them, I was quite pleased we only used two because we were able to get some good angles and shots.

 We did attempt to represent what ever was following the group, and this could be seen through the way the camera was hidden through leaves and undergrowth during the beginning of the opening, and the fact that the camera was quite small meant we were able to do this.

For our main film we used three cameras and again we had no trouble using them, and our idea to use a hand held camera method, influenced by the 'Blair Witch Project', I think worked really well. By using these cameras without a tripod allowed us to explore camera angles and movements that were available to use.

The only problem that we had with the cam corder was having to delete specific clips because it was quite an unnecessarily long process, in addition, due to method of deleting clips it was a constant worry that you accidently deleted other groups work.

 The camera we used was a Canon EOS 1200D, which we used to capture photos of our location, setting, evidence of filming etc. during filming in the main film.

We didn't have any problems with this camera and the quality of the pictures were very good. It was extremely easy to use, however to improve, we could have used alternative lenses to increase the quality of the pictures.


IMovie was the program we used to edit our film and it was available to us to use on apple mac computers. It was very useful and easy to understand, with a variety of different effects to choose from when editing.

On the other hand, we did have quite a few problems when we first started editing because we didn't understand how to use it, but we didn't have any major problems with this program.

The kinds of effects that we used and were able to use included:
  • different backgrounds
  • music
  • sound effects
  • text options
  • transitions- fade outs, white to black etc.
YouTube is what I used to research different openings to films, and the films that inspired, 'The Blair witch project' and 'The ring'.
Before I was inspired by the 'Blair witch project'  and 'The ring', YouTube was really helpful because it enabled me to understand the possibilities of an opening film i.e. 'Se7en' was an alternate way in which to begin a film because it didn't include and characters or key plots, I just though it was quite simple but effective.
The only problems I've had with YouTube is the fact that it will play the clips I've added on my blog on some computers, but on others the clips won't play.

Google was what I used to research a variety of facts concerning films that inspired us and images that were relevant to films that inspired.
I haven't had any problems with Google and I've been able to gather reliable information about other films from it.

Blogger, in my opinion, is quite a difficult blogging site to understand, since there are quite a lot of design settings and different ways to present your blog, and when you come to create a blog sometimes when you place paragraphs and pictures in places they move around when you go to preview the blog.
On the other hand, I do like the fact you can change the design of your blog so that you can make it fit with the theme of your blog and my theme/genre was horror.

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